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Interview with Ronald Inglehart

"BRICS Business Magazine" interviewed prof. Ronald Inglehart, the scientific supervisor of LCSS. Professor shared his views on the way values ​​have been developing throughout the world, and commented on the situation in individual countries.

"BRICS Business Magazine" interviewed prof. Ronald Inglehart, the scientific supervisor of LCSS. Professor shared his views on the way values ​​have been developing throughout the world, and commented on the situation in individual countries.

 At the beginning of the interview Ronald Inglehart defined the term values, explained the significance of the two major types of values: traditional and secular-rational. Then Ronald Inglehart shared his opinion about the impact of economic development on the health and well-being of the nation, highlighting the trend of decreasing level of violence in the developed world with a predominance of peaceful and healthy population. Moreover, professor argues that the secular-rational values ​​have a positive effect on the development of the countries via promoting economic growth and democracy in the country. Values ​​help countries to interact with each other in political, economic and social spheres. The World Values Survey (WVS) author concluded that every country will become democratic in the long run because the desire for freedom is inherent to everyone. But each country has its own tools that shape its path to democracy.

You can find the whole interview via the link below:
