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New issue (№ 11) of the journal “Sociological studies” contains a section of articles by LCSR researchers.

New issue (№ 11) of the journal “Sociological studies” contains a section of articles by LCSR researchers.  

The following papers are published in the issue:

INGLEHARDT R.F., Ponarin E.D., RAVLIK M.V. Regression models in evaluation of international migration factors. p. 22

Using regression models, country-related factors are assessed impacting to a marked degree migrant influx to accepting countries. Significant impact is confirmed with regard to non-economic factors (especially education) in world-wide migration processes. Empirically, the study is built on the UNO global migration data base and adopted matrix of two-ways migration flows. The study permits to state that migration stems not only from difficult life circumstances but also from life success.

ALMAKAEVA A.M. Measuring generalized trust in cross-cultural studies. p. 32

Approaches to measurements of generalized trust are discussed and limitations of traditional question ”In general, do you think that majority of people might be trusted or one has to be very careful in relations with people?” are analyzed. Fifth wave of World values study (2005–2008) data served for testing alternative indices of generalized trust to demonstrate that combination of traditional question with the question related to trusting strangers yields precise information for constructing international ratings.

GRIAZNOVA O.S. Popular request for state support and evaluation of results of social state actions in Europe and Russia. p. 44

The paper reviews impact of subjective reception of social state on its legitimacy. It was found that stronger request for state involvement is observed in cases of low popular assessment of both negative and positive results of state activities. Readiness for co-financing emerges in the countries where population is able to assess positive results of social policies.

KOSTENKO V.V. Gender attitudes of migrant Moslems in North and West Europe. p. 52

On the basis of European Social Survey, attitudes of migrants to gender equality are compared to local population in countries of West and North Europe and Russia. Secondary data analysis shows that migrants are rather more conservative than Europeans in their attitudes to women position in society. Also migrants’ attitude to gender equality is linked to gender specifics of host society. Islam takes a position of its own, remaining stable, though not strong indicator of negative attitude to gender equality.

ZELIKOVA Yu.A. Successful ageing or when age is joy. Subjective well-being of seniors: a crossnational analysis. p. 60

Factors determining levels of subjective well-being of persons over 60 are analyzed on the basis of the fifth wave of World Value Survey (2005–2007). It is found that the strongest impact on subjective well-being in advanced ages stems from satisfaction with financial situation (i.e., not absolute size of income), positive evaluation of one’s health, independence in decision taking and an ability to build favorable relations in environment. For high level of subjective well-being characteristics of the country are also of importance such as per capita GNP, democracy, equality, freedom and tolerance levels.