International Workshop “Recent Advances in Comparative Study of Values”
The Ronald F. Inglehart Laboratory for Comparative Social Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics announces a call for the International Workshop “Recent Advances in Comparative Study of Values”. It will take place both in Moscow and online from the 16th till the 17th of November 2023. Keynote speakers are Michael Minkov (Varna University of Management, Bulgaria; LCSR HSE, Russia), Alejandro Moreno (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, Mexico), Ronald Fischer (Instituto D`Or de Pesquisa e Ensino, Brazil), and Anna Andreenkova (CESSI, Russia).

Hybrid Mode: Offline at the HSE University in Moscow, and Online
Venue: Myasnitskaya st., 9-11, room 428 (note that A. Moreno's honorary lecture will take place in the room 328)
Moscow Time Zone (GMT+3)
November, 16th
13:00-14:30 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Anna Almakaeva (LCSR HSE, Russia; Russian Public Opinion Research Center, Russia).
Anna Andreenkova (CESSI, Russia), “Autobiographies as the Method of Studying the Life Course – Methodological Strengths and Challenges”
16:00-17:30 / Session 1. Chair – Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Natalia Soboleva (LCSR HSE, Russia), Vera Lomazzi (University of Bergamo, Italy), “Polarization of Gender Role Attitudes across Europe”
Ekaterina Nastina (LCSR HSE, Russia), Raül Tormos (Center for Opinion Studies, Spain), “Attitudes to Free-Riding Behavior across the World: Impact of Institutions and Culture”
Eduard Ponarin, Iulia Moreva, Nikita Zubarev (LCSR HSE, Russia), “Subjective Well-Being and National Pride of Russians: Causal Analysis”
18:00-19:30 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Natalia Soboleva (LCSR HSE, Russia). NB! This event will take place in the room 328.
Alejandro Moreno (ITAM, Mexico), “Faces of Political Polarization in Latin America: The Case of Mexico”
November, 17th
11:00-12:30 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Anna Almakaeva (LCSR HSE, Russia; Russian Public Opinion Research Center, Russia).
Michael Minkov (Varna University of Management, Bulgaria; LCSR HSE, Russia), “Aligning Schwartz’s Model with That of Minkov-Hofstede”
13:00-14:30 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Ronald Fisher (Instituto D`Or de Pesquisa e Ensino, Brasil), “Why We Need to Rethink Measurement Invariance: The Role of Measurement Invariance in Research”
16:00-17:30 / Session 2. Chair – Natalia Soboleva (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Viyaleta Korsunava, Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE, Russia), “Web Surveys Reveal Greater Support for Emancipative Values Cross-Nationally Than F2F Surveys Do: Comparing Estimates from the Values in Crisis Survey and the 7th Round of the WVS”
Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE, Russia), “The Effect of the COVID-19 on Nationalist Attitudes in Russia”
Iulia Moreva (LCSR HSE, Russia; European University at St. Petersburg, Russia), “The Link between Subjective Well-Being and Protest Participation in Russia”
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