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Important announcements 1


10th LCSR International Workshop

April 13-19, 2021
Online (Microsoft Teams)
Moscow Time Zone (GMT+3)

Supervisors: Andrey Shcherbak, Eduard Ponarin, Anna Almakaeva


April, 13th

12:00-13:30 / Session 1: Populism in Europe. Chair – Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE). Discussants – Hanspeter Kriesi (European University Institute; LCSR HSE), Violetta Korsunova (LCSR HSE).

Nicholas Charron (University of Gothenburg), Amy Alexander (University of Gothenburg), Gefjon Off (University of Gothenburg), “Which Threats Trigger a Conservative Backlash? A Survey Experiment in 27 EU Countries
Quita Muis (Tilburg University), Ruud Luijkx (Tilburg University), Loek Halman (Tilburg University), Tim Reeskens (Tilburg University), Inge Sieben (Tilburg University), “A Cultural Backlash in Europe? Evidence from the European Values Study 1981-2017
Ekaterina Lytkina (Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences), “Does Encountering Injustice Make Us More Populist? Evidence from Experimental Research

13:45-15:15 / Session 2: Cultural Change and Modernization. Chair – Aigul Klimova (LCSR HSE). Discussants – Anna Shirokanova (LCSR HSE), Anna Almakaeva (LCSR HSE).

Kuba Kryś (Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences), “Preference for Modernization Is Universal, but Expected Modernization Trajectories Are Culturally Diversified
Plamen Akaliyski (Keio University), “Universal Freedom? Value Change in East Asia and the West, 1981 to 2019
Alisa Sergeeva (HSE University in Saint Petersburg), “Environmental Attitudes and Emancipative Values: Evidence from the European Values Study and the World Values Surveys

15:30-17:00 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Eduard Ponarin (LCSR HSE). CANCELLED!

Ronald Inglehart (LCSR HSE; University of Michigan), “Religion′s Sudden Decline: What is Causing It and Comes Next?


April, 14th

12:00-13:30 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Eduard Ponarin (LCSR HSE).

Michael Minkov (Varna University of Management; LCSR HSE), “A Test of the Revised Minkov-Hofstede Model of Culture: Mirror Images of Subjective and Objective Culture Across Nations and the 50 U.S. States

13:30-15:15 / Session 3: Cultural Change in a Comparative Perspective. Chair – Anna Almakaeva (LCSR HSE). Discussants – Plamen Akaliyski (Keio University), Aigul Klimova (LCSR HSE).

Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka (University of Gdańsk), Jennifer K. Bosson (University of South Florida), Paweł Jurek (University of Gdańsk), Joesph A. Vandello (University of South Florida), Tomasz Besta (University of Gdańsk), Debroah L. Best (Wake Forest University), “Cultural Predictors of Sex Differences in Gendered Self-Views
Yulia Afanasyeva (HSE University in Saint Petersburg), “The (Mis)match between Individual and Group Values and Subjective Well-Being
Olesya Volchenko (LCSR HSE), Anastasia Bakhareva (HSE University in Saint Petersburg), “Defining Relationship between Human Values and Attitudes towards Government Surveillance: Comparative Study of 33 European Countries

15:30-17:00 / Session 4: Political and Social Developments in the Post-Soviet States. Chair – Tatiana Tkacheva (LCSR HSE). Discussants – Andrei Semenov (Perm State University), Kirill Chmel (LCSR HSE).

Denis Ivanov (HSE University), “Soviet Shadow Economy and Post-Soviet Political Preferences: Evidence from Georgia
Liu Peng (University of Minnesota), “‘Losers’ in the Age of Democratization: Lessons from Post-Soviet Societies


April, 15th

12:00-13:30 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE).


Hanspeter Kriesi (LCSR HSE; European University Institute), “Competing Explanations for Electoral Choices

13:45-15:15 / Session 5: Democracy and Legitimacy. Chair – Kirill Chmel (LCSR HSE). Discussants – Margarita Zavadskaya (European University at St. Petersburg; University of Helsinki), Maria Ukhvatova (St. Petersburg State University).

Yulia Kuzmina (European University at St. Petersburg), “‘Communities at Risk’: Contentious Politics in the Field of Waste Management in Russia
Andrei Semenov (Perm State University), “Subnational Coercion During the Opposition Campaigns in Electoral Autocracies: Evidence from Russia

15:30-17:00 / Special Lectures. Chair – Anna Shirokanova (LCSR HSE).

Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE), “Measurement of Values and Attitudes in Comparative Surveys
Veronika Kostenko (European University at St. Petersburg), Saskia Glas (Radboud University Nijmegen), “Quality Issues in the Data on 11 Arab Countries: Comparing the Arab Barometer and the World Values Survey Data


April, 16th

12:00-13:30 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE). The session will be held on April 19th, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.

Christian Welzel (LCSR HSE; Leuphana University), “The Cool Water Effect: The Geo-Climatic Origin of the West’s Emancipatory Drive” (in co-authorship with Stefan Kruse, Steven A. Brieger & Lennart Brunkert)

13:45-15:15 / Session 6: Religion, Religiosity and Value Orientations. Chair – Anna Nemirovskaya (LCSR HSE). Discussants – Eduard Ponarin (LCSR HSE), Michael Minkov (Varna University of Management; LCSR HSE).

Anna Pless (Kulkova) (KU Leuven), Paul Tromp (KU Leuven), Dick Houtman (KU Leuven), “The Growing Education-Based Cleavage? Secularization and Secular Cultural Voting in Western Europe (1981-2008)
Ilya Dorkhanov (Independent Researcher, Saint Petersburg), Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE), “Denomination, Religiosity and Anti-Immigrant Attitudes in Europe: Comparative Evidence from ESS

15:30-17:00 / Session 7: Economics and Culture. Chair – Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE). Discussants – Christian Welzel (Leuphana University; LCSR HSE), Anna Nemirovskaya (LCSR HSE).

Maria Kravtsova (LCSR HSE), “Do Natural Disasters Foster or Hamper Innovations?
Emil Kamalov (LCSR HSE; European University at St. Petersburg), “The Effects of Unhappiness on Preferences for Redistribution
Liana Isayan (Armenian State University of Economics), “Causations or Payoffs? Interaction between Countries’ Economic Results, Social Capital, Social Connectedness and Group Membership Indicators


April, 19th

12:00-13:30 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE).

Christian Welzel (LCSR HSE; Leuphana University), “The Cool Water Effect: The Geo-Climatic Origin of the West’s Emancipatory Drive” (in co-authorship with Stefan Kruse, Steven A. Brieger & Lennart Brunkert)

13:45-15:15 / Session 9: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Social and Political Effects (Part 1). Chair – Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE). Discussants – Christian Welzel (LCSR HSE; Leuphana University), Eduard Ponarin (LCSR HSE).

Natalia Soboleva (LCSR HSE), Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE), “The Effects of Changes in the Labor Market Status during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Subjective Well-being in a Comparative Perspective
Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE), Margarita Zavadskaya (LCSR HSE; University of Helsinki), “Socio-Demographic and Personality Characteristics of COVID-Sceptics in Russia
Kirill Chmel (LCSR HSE), Aigul Klimova (LCSR HSE), Nikita Savin (HSE University), “Saving Lives or Saving the Economy? Support for the Incumbent during the Pandemic in Russia

15:30-17:00 / Session 10: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Social and Political Effects (Part 2). Chair – Anna Almakaeva (LCSR HSE). Discussants – Michael Minkov (Varna University of Management; LCSR HSE), Anna Pless (Kulkova) (KU Leuven).

Margarita Zavadskaya (LCSR HSE; University of Helsinki), Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE), “The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Political Support in Russia
Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE), Maria Ukhvatova (St. Petersburg State University; LCSR HSE), “The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Church-State Relations in Russia
Anna Almakaeva (LCSR HSE), Ekaterina Nastina (LCSR HSE), “Emancipative Values Across Russian Regions

Ремизова А.Ю. (НИУ ВШЭ) Конкурентная и содержательная валидность 4х категориальной шкалы про моральные ценности в опросе EVS : тест на русской выборке

Широканова А.А. (НИУ ВШЭ) «Все одинокие дамы»: сравнение социальных отношений одиноких женщин в Европе


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