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LCSR International Workshop «Values and Socio-Political Processes: A Quantitative Perspective»

Dear colleagues! Please, pay attention to the venue of the workshop sessions.

November, 7

Saint Petersburg, Sedova str., 55-2, room 303

14:00-18:20 / Chicago-style Workshop «Values in a Comparative Perspective». Chair – Alejandro Moreno (ITAM, Mexico).
Attention! All papers will be circulated in advance and all participants are expected to be familiar with them.

Tatiana Tkacheva (LCSR HSE), «Political Transformation under Control: Factors of Electoral Loyalty in Ethnic Republics within the Russian Federation»

Veronica Kostenko (LCSR HSE), «Female Body Control and Nation-Building in Ten Post-Soviet Countries»
Anna Shirokanova (LCSR HSE), «Urban Singles and Subjective Well-Being: A Cross-National Perspective»
Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE), «Value Polarization in Europe and Its Political Effects»


November, 8

Saint Petersburg, Soyuza Pechatnikov str., 16, room 404

09:00-09:20 / Registration

09:20-09:30 / Opening and welcome words

09:30-11:15 / Keynote speaker 1. Chair – Eduard Ponarin (LCSR HSE).

Hanspeter Kriesi (LCSR HSE; European University Institute, Italy), «Populism, Conservatism and Voting for Right-Wing Parties in Europe»

11:15-11:35 / Coffee break

11:35-13:15 / Session 1. Chair – Margarita Zavadskaya (University of Helsinki; LCSR HSE), discussant – Veronika Kostenko (LCSR HSE). Timing: 20 min for presentation, 30 min – discussion.

Eduard Ponarin (LCSR HSE), «Russia's Post-Soviet Nationalism»

Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE), «Identifying Populist Right Parties in Contemporary Europe»

13:15-14:30 / Lunch

14:30-16:10 / Session 2. Chair – Tatiana Tkacheva (LCSR HSE), discussant – Anna Nemirovskaya (LCSR HSE). Timing: 20 min for presentation, 30 min – discussion.

Margarita Zavadskaya (University of Helsinki; LCSR HSE), «Nationalism and Perceptions of Electoral Integrity: Evidence from WVS 2017»

Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE), «Russia’s “Conservative turn” after 2012: Evidence from Cross-National Surveys»

16:10-16:30 / Coffee break

16:30-17:40 / Session 3. Chair – Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE), discussant – Natalia Soboleva (LCSR HSE). Timing: 15 min for presentation, 20 min – discussion.

Ilya Dorkhanov (NRU HSE – Saint Petersburg), «National Minorities and Nationalist Voting Support in the Regions of EU Countries»

Kirill Chmel, Aygul Mavletova, Evgenia Mitrokhina (LCSR HSE), «Whom to Blame? Assessing the Consequences of Financial Crisis under Authoritarian Media Environment»


November, 9

Saint Petersburg, Soyuza Pechatnikov str., 16, room 404

09:30-11:15 / Keynote speaker 2. Chair – Anna Almakaeva (LCSR HSE).

Jan Mewes (Lund University, Sweden), «Sources and Benefits of Generalized Social Trust: Longitudinal and Cross-National Evidence»

11:15-11:35 / Coffee break

11:35-13:15 / Session 4. Chair – Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE), discussant – Anna Almakaeva (LCSR HSE). Timing: 20 min for presentation, 30 min – discussion.

Tatiana Tkacheva (LCSR HSE), «Factors of Success for the Independent Candidates under Electoral Authoritarianism: The Case of City Deputies in Russia’s Regional Capitals»

Elena Sirotkina (LCSR HSE), «Political Economy of the Radical Repertoire in Autocracies: Evidence from Russia»
Natalia Soboleva (LCSR HSE), «Gender Attitudes and Achievement Motivation Across Europe»

14:05-15:30 / Lunch

15:30-16:50 / Keynote speaker 3. Chair – Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE).

Alejandro Moreno (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México – ITAM, Mexico), «A New Wave of Political Participation and Protest Behaviour»

16:50-17:10 / Coffee break

17:10-18:20 / Session 5. Chair – Anna Shirokanova (LCSR HSE), discussant – Elena Sirotkina (LCSR HSE). Timing: 15 min for presentation, 20 min – discussion.

Viktor Karepin (NRU HSE – Saint Petersburg), «Educational Migration from Russia: Social Media Data»

Denis Stremoukhov (NRU HSE – Saint Petersburg), «When Governors Go Abroad: Factors of Regional Diplomacy in Russia»


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