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4th International Annual Research Conference “Cultural and Economic changes under cross-national perspective”

Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR NRU HSE) announces a call for the 4thInternational Annual Research Conference “Cultural and Economic changes under cross-national perspective”, which will take place from November 10, 2014 until November 15, 2014, in St. Petersburg. The conference aims at developing empirical quantitative comparative (cross-country and cross-regional) studies in social science. The application deadline for presenting a paper is  August 1, 2014. The notification of acceptance will be given by August 15, 2014. Please send applications to hse.lcss@gmail.com.

We also welcome non-presenting participants (without any financial support from the organizers). In this case you should send a registration letter till October, 25 to hse.lcss@gmail.com marked "Registration for the 4th LCSR Conference". The application should contain your name, affiliation, and your date of birth (to provide the certificate of attendance).


10.11.2014:IV LCSR Annual Conference has started

Results of the IV LCSR International Conference


News about the conference in mass media

11.11.2014: Participación del Dr. Moreno en la Conferencia “Cultural and Economic Change in Cross-National Perspective”

25.11.2014: American and German professors discussed the problem of corruption in Russia

01.12.2014: Belief in afterlife influences the level of suicides



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