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From November 6th to 10th the ­­Laboratory for Comparative Social Research of the Higher School of Economics, a National Research University, will host the 2nd International Annual Research Conference. Reports will concern research projects of the Laboratory carried out with the grant provided by the government of the Russian Federation. There will be more than ten panel discussions on current social, political and economic issues, alongside lectures by prominent international social scientists.

The 2nd International Annual Research Conference is expected to be one of the major events of 2012 in the social sciences in Russia. It will be an opportunity to attend lectures by leading scientists in the disciplines of sociology and political science. Moreover, a range of current research problems and the latest methods and approaches will be discussed and presented for the benefit of the attendees.

The plenary session will include reports of renowned social scientists such as professor Ronald Inglehart (University of Michigan, HSE), who will present his paper on modernization theory, which aims to provide new insight into the impact of genetic evolution on cultural change. Professor Christian Welzel (Leuphana University, HSE), a regular co-author of Professor Inglehart and Vice-President of World Values Survey Association, will also address the audience with a report on cultural changes resulting from technological and economic progress, that limit the negative ecological impact of the latter.

Professor Jon Miller (University of Michigan) will present his study on “Generation-X in recent decades”, dealing with the dynamics of cohort’s political attitudes and an assessment of its influence on the US party system. Professor Eduard Ponarin (HSE, St. Petersburg) will present on the causes and perspectives of national and religious movements in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. Dr.Peter Schmidt (HSE) will speak on the question of nationalism in his report on the influence of basic human values on the type of attitudes towards migrants. In addition, papers will be presented by young scholars from abroad: Roberto Foa (Harvard University), professor Joshua Dubrow (Polish Academy of Sciences), and Zsófia Ignácz (Jacobs University Bremen).

The conference will consist of panels devoted to various fields of social studies such as migration, ageing, gender and family relations, and religiosity and tolerance, with a focus on Russia. Panels on topical issues like corruption, voting patterns, political perceptions of population, and interethnic relations are also scheduled.

The topics of the conference will especially benefit policy practitioners, empirical sociologists, academics and experts in the sphere of applied political science, as well as those concerned about the socio-political problems of Russia and the world.

We would be glad to see at our conference scholars, professionals, policymakers and anyone interested in issues of contemporary social studies.

Further information is available on the LCSR website. If you would like to take part in panel discussions, it is necessary to send a registration letter to hse.lcss@gmail.com.

*The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research was established in 2010 in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 220 On Measures to Attract Leading Scientists to Russian Higher Professional Education Institutions. The main objectives of the Laboratory are to study social and cultural changes in Russia in comparison with global trends, to develop Russian research in the social sciences, and to provide assistance to young scholars. The academic Supervisor of the LCSR is Professor Ronald Inglehart, an established American political scientist, President of World Values Survey AssociationJohan Skytte Prize in Political Science 2011 winner (a prize is awarded by Uppsala University for distinguished achievements in the field of political sciences that is regarded as the most prestigious in the field). The International Research Network of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research unites about thirty scholars - young and promising researchers as well as experienced specialists - from universities of Russia, the CIS, and Europe. Many of the young social scientists already have publications in prestigious international journals.


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