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Comparative Sociology in Quantitative Perspective. Progress Reports and New Projects

  1. Out-Group Trust and Its Determinants: The Case of In-Group TrustAnna Almakaeva, Samara State Unniversity
  2. Bribery in the Russian regions. Alexei Bessudnov, HSE (New!)
  3. Traditional Family Behaviour from the Human Empowerment Perspective.Evgenia Bystrov, Jacobs University
  4. Nationalism as an Autonomous Value: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of National Commitment and Multiculturalism in 1994-2005. Margarita Fabrykant, Belarus State University 
  5. What makes people feel free: Subjective freedom in comparative perspective.Natalia Firsova, HSE 
  6. Динамика толерантности: сексизм, гомофобия и ксенофобия в глобальной перспективе. Р. Инглхарт Младший и К. Вельцель, профессор университета Леуфана,  Германия (приглаенные лекторы)
  7. Welfare Attitudes and Factors Affecting Them in Europe. Olga Gryaznova, Institute of Sociology RAS 
  8. Work or children: what makes women more happy and satisfied? Tatiana Karabchuk, LCSR, HSE 
  9. Subjective Well-being and Human Agency: Transition Countires Compared to 'Non-Transition' Countries. Svitlana Khutka, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy 
  10. Informal Relationships and Modernization. Leonid Kosals, LCSR, HSE, and Cristopher Swader, HSE
  11. Values and Aspirations of Migrant Children in Comparison with MigrantsiIn Europe. Veronika Kostenko, LCSR, HSE St. Petersburg 
  12. Perception of ageing and the third age. Vladimir Kozlov, HSE 
  13. Can corruption be associated with the low level of existential security? Maria Kravtsova, HSE 
  14. Russian Cohort Differences: Happiness and Life Expectance Comparative Perspective. Ekaterina Kuldina, LCSR, HSE (New!)
  15. Cosmopolitanism in the World: an empirical comparative study. Alexander Kustov, University of Mannheim 
  16. Social tolerance under harsh conditions. Anna Nemirovskaya, Siberian Federal University 
  17. The inequality of educational achievements among schoolchildren: socio-economic factors.  Tamara Petrova, LCSR, HSE St. Petersburg 
  18. Religiosity impact on tolerance towards behavior forms, censured by major religions. Elena Prutskova, Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University 
  19. Subjective assessment of national human rights profile: a value based approach using the World Values Survey data. Kristina Puzarina, University of Mannheim (New!)
  20. What do all of these images have in common? Maria Ravlik, LCSR, HSE St. Petersburg 
  21. Internal and External Validity of Inglehart and Schwartz Value Dimensions on Country Level. Maksim Rudnev, HSE 
  22. Does Culture matter? The Impact of Tolerance on Economic Modernization in Comparative Perspective. Andrey Shcherbak, LCSR, HSE St. Petersburg 
  23. Xenophobia in the Lab. Nadezhda Shilova, HSE 
  24. Individualization and Social Solidarity in post-Communist Europe. Anna Shirokanova, Belarus State University 
  25. Values as a Predictor of Educational Performance Gap between Natives and Migrants in 14 Countries. Evgeni Varshaver, LCSR, HSE 
  26. Changes in European voting patterns: is the new left-right dimension becoming more important, and why? Alexei Zakharov, LCSR, HSE 
  27. Subjective Well-Being in the Late Life Period. Julia Zelikova, LCSR, HSE St. Petersburg 
  28. Antimodernism as a predictor of cultural and political anti-Americanism. Kirill Zhirkov, LCSR, HSE St. Petersburg


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