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Summer School – 2016

Event ended

LCSR is pleased to announce the 6th LCSR Summer School. The school will take place in July 25– August 5, 2016, in Moscow, Russia. Deadline for registration:  May 15, 2016.

Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) of the National Research University Higher School of Economics is pleased to announce the 6th LCSR Summer School.

Dates: July 25 – August 5, 2016
Place: 11, Myasnizkaya Str., Moscow, Russia
Deadline for registration: May 15, 2016
Registration is required

Course information:

1. Basic course (August 1 - 5, 2016): “Latent Curve Models: a Structural Equation Perspective”

Instructor: Kenneth A. Bollen (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)

Assistant: Irina Vartanova (Institute for Futures Studies, LCSR HSE, Russia)

2. Additional course (July 25 - 29, 2016) "Introduction to SEM and SEM Software"

Instructor: Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE, Russia).


Registration fee is 500 euro per person (course fee, course materials, lunches and coffee breaks). We provide a restricted number of free of charge places (including course fee, travel expenses, accommodation, lunches and coffee breaks during the summer school) on a competitive basis.

For application, one should submit: (1) Curriculum Vitae; a motivation letter (about  400 words); (2) abstract of the research project (about 1000 words); (3) description of the data one is going to use during the practical course (about 200 words). Applications should be send to hse.lcss@gmail.com before May 15, 2016.

The results will be announced on May 20, 2016.


We would be grateful for the dissemination of information about our events!

(The poster is  LCSR Summer School-2016.pdf )


For more information please visit the web-page: Summer-School-2016.