Announcement for LCSR summer school participants!
The time for the LCSR Summer school is coming. The internet connection in Voronovo is not very fast. For this reason we strongly recommend to install the list of the packages in R beforehand.
- car
- ggplot2
- Hmisc
- Rmisc
- reshape2
- lme4
- stargazer
- sjPlot
- lavaan
- semTools
- semPlot
- ggmap
- maptools
You can do it easily:
1) First, you have to type the following in console: install.packages("car")
2) Then you must press either "run" in the interface or ctrl+enter.
Afterwards you have to repeat the procedure for other packages.
- install.packages("ggplot2")
- install.packages("Hmisc")
- install.packages("Rmisc")
- install.packages("reshape2")
- install.packages("lme4")
- install.packages("stargazer")
- install.packages("sjPlot")
- install.packages("lavaan")
- install.packages("semTools")
- install.packages("semPlot")
- install.packages("ggmap")
- install.packages("maptools")
In the attached files please see the alternative way of downloading the packages: