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LCSR-EBES training methodological workshop

Laboratory Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (HSE) together with EBES are happy to announce a five days training methodological workshop "Economic and Social Changes: values effects across Eurasia” on advanced quantitative methods in comparative studies. The workshop will take place in Antalya, Turkey on March 31 - April 6, 2015.

Please, be aware that all the presentations of participants are available online in Workhop Program !

The training workshops on multilevel modeling, bayesian statistics, data visualisation and introduction to factorial design will be provided by Eduard Ponarin (LCSR HSE),          Roberto Foa  (Harvard University),  Hermann Duelmer (University of Cologne) and Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE).

Participants will be having a great opportunity to get feedback and consultancy on their projects by the mentioned experts. The workshop is focused on improving and developing methodological skills in order to contribute to on-going projects in LCSR network.




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