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2nd International Annual Conference of the LCSR: “Social Change in Cross-National Perspective”

Event ended

HSE (Moscow, Russia)
The application deadline for presenting a paper is August 20, 2012. The deadline for a registration letter is October 25, 2012.

Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (HSE) announces a call for the 2nd International Annual Research Conference: “Social Change in Cross-National Perspective”. The conference aims at developing empirical quantitative comparative (cross-country and cross-regional) studies in social science.

The conference themes are:

  1. Religiosity, Abortion and Family Behavior;
  2. Trust, Values and Subjective Well-being;
  3. Social Tolerance and Group Trust;
  4. Factors and Consequences of Migration;
  5. Modernization, Informal Relations and Corruption;
  6. Nationalism and Ethnicity;
  7. Gender, Work and Life Satisfaction;
  8. Ageing and Social Well-Being;
  9. Politics and Freedom Perceptions;
  10. Corruption in Russia and around the World;
  11. Perceptions of Freedom and Voting Patterns;
  12. Social Well-being, Life Satisfaction, Subjective Health and Anomia;
  13. Social Values and Social Solidarity. 

Key note speakers are:

  • Ronald Inglehart (Scientific Director, LCSR, HSE and Professor, University of Michigan, USA),
  • Christian Welzel (Associate Professor, HSE and Professor, University Leufana, Germany).

Working language is English. Participation is free. Registration is required.

The application deadline for presenting a paper is August 20, 2012, the draft paper is expected to be sent by October 20, 2012. The notification of acceptance will be given by September 1, 2012. Please send applications to hse.lcss@gmail.com.

The application should meet the following requirements:

  • Author(s) name(s) including affiliation and e-mail;
  • Title of proposal, 3 - 5 keywords and abstract (700 words maximum for the paper);
  • The paper should be empirical and analyze processes of social change in comparative perspective (more than 3 countries) using quantitative methods;
  • The paper should address one or several topics of the conference;
  • General description of research questions, objectives and theoretical framework (up to 400 words), methods/methodology (up to 200 words) and expected outcomes/results (up to 100 words).

The accommodation for the presenters is provided by the organizers at the HSE Guest House. Travel expenses should be covered by the participants.

We also welcome non-presenting participants (without any financial support from the organizers). In this case you should send a registration letter till October, 25 to hse.lcss@gmail.com marked "Registration for the 2nd LCSR Conference". The application should contain your name, affiliation, and your date of birth (to provide the certificate of attendance).

We also encourage you to spread information about the upcoming conference: